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Plasma Sulfour Lampe
Plasma Lighting System - PSH07
Ideal für Schnittblumen und Topfpflanzen, oder für Obst und Gemüse.PLS (Plasma Lighting System) is a new concept of lighting system that introduces plasma emission characteristics and uses microwave for the first time in the world. Through the distinctive "no-electrode" technology, it brings customers to the new world of new light.
High color rendering light source - just like the natural light!
PLS provides convenient and comfortable light environment and excellent color rendering capability by emitting the light that's the most similar to the sunlight.
Optimized light source suitable for human eyes!
The best light source that ensures better eyesight and reduces eye fatigue with uniform illuminance.
Environmental Friendly Light Source!
Mercury-free and the environmental friendly light source that considers clean environment and healthy life.
Long Life Light Source!
Uses no electrode and lasts longer maintaining initial lumen even after an extended time of use.
Highly efficient and economical light source!
Saves energy through an excellent lumen maintenance.
Boasting the distinctive design, performance, solidity and safety,PSH07 offers high energy efficiency. Comparing to the normallighting products, just half number of the lamps provides equivalent amount of light. With light that is suitable for human eyes, it offers uniform andcomfortable light environment for various spaces such aspublic facilities, indoor sports facilities, shopping malls andlarge halls as well as industrial workplaces where high-precision work is required.
Technical Specifications:
Lumen Photopic: 62,000 lm / 61,000 lm / 58,000 lm
Lumen Mesopic: 83,700lm / 88,900 lm / 86,900 lm
Color Temperature: 4,500K / 6,000K / 7,500K
Chromaticity Coordinate x: x=0.3418 / x=0.3009 / x=0.2881
Chromaticity Coordinate y: y=0.4254 / y=0.3746 / y=0.3554
Color Rendering Index: 80Ra / 80Ra / 80/90Ra
Beam Angle: 50 / 90 / 120
Power Consumption: 730W
Rated Voltage: 220V/60Hz,50Hz
Weight: 19Kg
Here you can download the data sheet!
Here you can download or watch the product video!
Die Tempel - Store GmbH möchte darauf hinweisen, dass aus versicherungstechnischen Gründen alle elektrischen Anschlüsse von einem zertifizierten Elektriker angeschlossen werden müssen!
Bitte Beachten Sie bei elektrischen Installationen die Gesetzlichen Bestimmungen des Eidg.Starkstrominspektorates.
Info unter www.esti.admin.ch